Business Borrowing

OK, so you are thinking of meeting with your banker to discuss getting a loan for your business.  The topics below are a collection of thoughts regarding

  • the relationship you need to develop with the bank and how to accomplish that;
  • how and why banking has changed in the last few years;
  • some thoughts on alternatives to bank loans, and;
  • a couple of "application-stuffers", a.k.a. pro-forma spreadsheets that will show that you have at least spent some time thinking about the future of your business before asking the bank to join you in the quest.

Business Loan - Discusses the relationship between you, your business  and the bank and contains some suggestions regarding how to put a presentation package together.

Bank Trouble - Why it is much more difficult to get a bank loan after the financial trouble of the past several years and what that will mean to your financing alternatives.

Alternative Financing - Some innovative suggestions about collaborating with your construction team to achieve your business goals.

Alternative Funding - Banks are not the only source of funds.  Here is how to look deeper into your own business for money, and some suggestions for identifying other funding sources.

ProForma based on Market Share - Development of and link to an interactive spreadsheet to help you develop a proforma analysis based on your share of the market in which you operate.

ProForma Based on Marketing Effort - Explanation of and link to an interactive spreadsheet to help you develop a pro forma analysis based on the expected results of your marketing effort.

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