Lesson: 10 Commandments for Running a Construction Business Description: 30 years of running businesses, especially construction businesses, have taught many lessons. Here are ten of the most important. Format:Text, Audio Download: None
Lesson: The Entrepreneurial Seizure Description: Michael Gerber had it right. The Entrepreneurial seizure is an almost undeniable force. If you can't control it, at least learn to recognize it for what it is. Format: Text, Audio Download: Links
Lesson: Develop a No-Nonsense Attitude Description: You are asking a client to trust that you have what it takes to turn their dollars into their dream. Be serious about that transaction. Format: Text, Audio Download: None
Lesson: The Government Is Your Partner (Like It Or Not) Description: See the many ways that various governmental entities are involved with your construction business. There isn't much you can do about it, just be aware of the players in your game. Format: Text, Audio Download: Links
Lesson: Thanks For The Miseries Description: Thankfulness with a little bit of a twist. A lesson in why mindset is important to running a construction business. Format: Text Download: None
Lesson: 22 Steps To A Smart Start (Or Restart) Of Your Construction Business Description: Here is a list of thought-provoking suggestions for starting (or restarting) your construction business. Fore-warned is fore-armed. Format: Text, Audio Download: Links
Lesson: How To Get Employee Buy-In For Change Description: The greatest plan in the world is worth nothing if the people implementing the plan haven't bought in. "We've never done it like that" can become the deadliest six words in the English language. Here are suggestions for helping associates understand the importance of the changes you are making. Format: Video Download: None